Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sometimes, Even 3-Year-Olds Just Want to Fit In With the Group

[ad_1] Summary: By the age of three, children are more likely to go along with what peers say in order to follow the crowd, rather than acting out of a desire to follow authority. Source: Duke University What makes preschoolers eat their veggies? Raise their hand? Wait their turn? “Because I say so” is a […]

Gene Signature for Plaque-Eating Microglia in Alzheimer’s Disease Discovered

[ad_1] Summary: Study identifies gene expression signatures that underlie microglia associated with amyloid plaque phagocytosis. Source: Duke-NUS Medical School Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia and is characterised by the build-up of amyloid plaques in the brain. Microglia, the immune sentinels of the brain, are not only responsible for eliminating foreign invaders, […]

Sense of Touch Improves Control of Robotic Arm

[ad_1] Summary: Adding a BCI that evokes tactile sensations makes it easier for users to manipulate and use robotic arm prosthetics. Source: University of Pittsburgh Most able-bodied people take their ability to perform simple daily tasks for granted—when they reach for a warm mug of coffee, they can feel its weight and temperature and adjust […]

Mutation Linked to Autism Impairs Oxytocin-Mediated Social Behavior

[ad_1] Summary: A genetic mutation of Caps2 impairs the release of oxytocin, leading to problems in regulating social behavior in those on the autism spectrum. Source: Tokyo University of Science Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition involving impaired social abilities, and this makes it a fascinating subject for neuroscientists like Prof. Teiichi Furuichi of […]

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