Category Archives: New Scientist

Read an extract from Rachel Kushner’s Creation Lake

A reconstruction of male and female Neanderthals based on the La Chapelle-aux-Saints fossils S. ENTRESSANGLE/E. DAYNES/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Extract taken from Creation Lake by Rachel Kushner, published by Jonathan Cape, the latest pick for the New Scientist Book Club. Sign up to read along with us here. NEANDERTHALS WERE PRONE TO DEPRESSION, he said. He said […]

Cocaine in mummified brains reveals when Europeans first used the drug

Coca leaves have psychoactive and therapeutic properties Fabiano Sodi/Alamy The mummified brain tissue of two people found in a 17th-century crypt in Milan, Italy, contains traces of cocaine, revealing that the drug was being used in Europe 200 years earlier than previously recorded. Coca leaves, from which cocaine is derived, have been chewed in the […]


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